    Acknowledgments First and foremost, my profound gratitude goes to Ms., my supervisor, who has been like a beacon to me, lightening all the ideas for me. She is my captain, guiding me to pick out a work from English literature, recommending the research orientation and analyzing the main line of this paper. My captain’s efforts are highly appreciated. When I have no ideas and insufficient comprehension to the novel, writing process stagnating, Ms. Huaihas been guiding me to think from a different point of view, brainstorming before decision, so I can proceed the paper further.39031
    On the completion of my thesis, thank you so much, Ms. Huai, myguardian teacher. At every stage of the composition of the thesis, Ms. Huai read and revised my paper every time Idelivered the draft, double checked every detail, corrected my mistakes and helped solve problems. My thesis cannot be finished without my dear supervisor, MsHuai.
    Abstract Nineteen century is a period of prosperity for whaling. Moby Dickis a novel describing the life of whaling life and whaling boat, narrating a captain’s avenge. Because of profound modern significance, many scholars have researched this novel from different perspectives. And based on predecessors’ research on Ahab and his tragedy, this thesis mainly analyzes the reasons of the tragedy instead of the tragic theory.
    The research focuses on the pursuit of Ahab to Moby Dick. From the novel, the route is comprehended in general and the process of avenge is acquainted. Through Ahab’s determination and efforts, the power of the White Whale can been reflected. The cause of failure can be tracked from the pursuit. Thevengeanceswallowed up Ahab and Ahab finally becomes a loser with heavy loss of life. The research explains the loss and failure of the fightto display Ahab and fight from a different perspective.
    This thesis consists of five parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the novel and the author. The tragedy of Ahab’s fate is discussed in details in the second part. TheMystery ofMoby Dick is analyzed. And this part illustrates how formidable the white whale is. Ahab’s determination, his loss and his death follow to demonstrate.In the third part, the whole incident of Ahab’s revenge is to be analyzed. The pursuit is futile. The reasons for the futile efforts pide into two aspects: limited knowledge of whales and suspicious faith of Parsee’s prediction. And the fourth part is to talk about the fatal Pursuit. The pursuit of the revenge which is persisted irrationally is fanatic.Ahab’s character and psychological activity determines the extent of the vengeance. The last part sums up the whole paper. The research focuses on the pursuit of Ahab to Moby Dick andit explains the loss and failure of the fight to display Ahab and his fight from a different perspective.
    Key Words:Captain Ahab; Moby Dick; revenge; pursuit
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