
    As we all know, oral English is an important skill of learning any language, and it is also one of the most important skills which is included in the communicative competence. Many language learners regard the acquisition of oral English ability as the primary goal of learning. And the purpose of learning a language is used to communicate. What the author intends to focus on in this paper is the current situations of high school studentsʼ oral English and how to develop their abilities of communication by using English. At last, some countermeasures will be put forward to solve these situations.
    In fact, the high school stage is an important period to lay the foundation. In Hadleyʼs words, “It is clear that oral proficiency in a second language can be an important asset for anyone seeking employment in business and industry in the twenty-first century” (230). Thus, we can see the importance of oral English. So, we have to pay more attention to the development of high school studentsʼ oral English. In the following part, first, the author reviews the brief story and development of oral English, and the importance of oral English is also stressed. Then the current situations of high school studentsʼ oral English and the main reasons for the existing problems are discussed. Finally, the author puts forward some countermeasures.
  1. 上一篇:中学英语词汇教学中存在的问题及对策
  2. 下一篇:以学生为中心的中学英语词汇教学模式探索
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  2. 高中生词汇知识对阅读理解的影响

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