
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 J. D. Salinger    1
    1.2 The Catcher in the Rye    2
    2 The Environment around Holden    4
    2.1 The Family’s Indifference    4
    2.2 The School’s Hypocrisy    5
    2.3 The Strangers’ Absurdity    5
    3 Holden’s Psychological Trauma and Anxiety    7
    3.1 The Struggle for Self-esteem    7
    3.2 The Struggle for Love    8
    3.3 The Struggle for Ideality    9
    4 The Criticism of the Social Reality    10
    4.1 The Loss in People’s Spiritual World    10
    4.2 The Insincerity in People’s Heart    11
    4.3 The Gap between Adults and Teens    12
    5 Conclusion    14
    1 Introduction
    More than sixty years after it first published in 1951, The Catcher in the Rye still enjoys a unique success and esteem both in China and abroad. The Catcher in the Rye has had significant cultural influence, though some writers inspired by the novel have insisted on saying that their works are form their own styles. That it might end up on the syllabus for ninth-grade English was probably close to the last thing Salinger had in mind when he wrote the book. He wasn’t trying to expose the spiritual poverty of a conformist culture; he was writing a story about a boy whose little brother has died. ¬¬¬¬
    Nowadays, many teenagers still enjoy that fantastic work for the memorable role – Holden Caulfield who is a typical “cynical adolescent.” Teens have resonances for The Catcher in the Rye because they can find themselves from reading Holden’s stories. The writer, Salinger, spoke teens’ voices and reflected adolescence children’s sensitive hearts. The whole emotional burden of adolescence is that you don’t know why you feel unhappy, or angry, or out of it. The appeal of The Catcher in the Rye, what makes it addictive, is that it provides you with a reason.

    In fact, The Catcher in the Rye has special time brand and becomes sustenance of young people’s emotion and the symbol of expressing themselves. Next, my paper is intended to introduce that work in several aspects.  
    1.1 J. D. Salinger
    David Salinger (January 1, 1919 – January 27, 2010) was an American author, best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye. Raised in Manhattan, Salinger began writing short stories while in secondary school, and published several stories in the early 1940s before serving in World War II. In 1948, he published the critically acclaimed story A Perfect Day for Bananafish in The New Yorker magazine, which became home to much of his subsequent work. In 1951, Salinger released his novel The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The novel remains widely read and controversial, selling around 250,000 copies a year.

    How does Salinger come up with such a plot? Holden Caulfield, who first appeared in Salinger’s work Slight Rebellion off Madison, in 1941. That work created the characters of Holden and his girlfriend Sally (New Yorker had bought this story but had not published it until in 1946). The character of Holden Caulfield was also written in Salinger’s other stories in the medium-term of his middle age. Most parts of the The Catcher in the Rye were written in the postwar. However, Salinger cannot be called a professional war writer but his biographer Ian Hamilton and Paul Alexander were convinced that Salinger is “Salinger” who mixed the sad of war into his humor, to that point, let his irony became caustically.
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