
    Along with the experience economy, experiential marketing rises naturally. At the end of 20th century, experiential marketing has started in America. The experiential marketing has a close connection with the development of experience economy and the concept “experience economy” can be dated to 1970 in The Future Shock (Alvin Toffler, 1970). “Experiential marketing” was brought into China in the beginning of 21st century. As a new marketing concept accommodating to modern economy statement, it was analyzed and researched by both domestic and foreign scholars.
    It is a common sense that with the rise of income, rapid development of new technology, severe competition of market and more and more free time, customers’ purchase and consumption have changed a lot, and they put more and more attention on sensory experience and similar thought, just as the requirement element in four economy formation: product features both for agriculture and industry, profit for service while outstanding feeling for experience. Since the 21st century, customers have shown strong subjectivity on product distinguish and choice and they are willing to offer advices and requirement to corporates. In order to attract customers, the enterprises must grasp their two attentions, so a new marketing model—experiential marketing appears inevitably.
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