
       Meanwhile, a platform is provided for classes to show them to others during participating in group cooperation. Team work is new pattern, asking students to get a share in group face to face. Latterly, constructive communication face to face offers students the opportunity to understand each other gradually, which is the basis of cooperative learning. In other words, an opportunity to the benefit of students in deep-knowledge and finish the homework are provided. In addition, no matter who you are skills should be used during daily life, let alone study. For this reason, skills that how to get higher level in cooperation also are used during team work in middle school English class. To expect all students to communicate effectively, teachers provide relevant guidance during the activities of the group. Finally, balance of mutual trust between team members effective resolve the conflicts within the group. Comprehension is required during English class in group cooperation, in that with smooth communication class can have the motive power to apply themselves to study.
    In a conclusion, based on realizing the elements of affecting the efficiency of group cooperation in English class, teachers can have more chance to guide students and improve themselves during teaching in middle school English class.
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