
    1.3 The overall structure of the paper
         The paper is made up of five chapters. The first chapter describes the background of the sports shoes industry and the significance and purpose of the research. The second chapter are mainly descriptions of important terms and features about consumer psychology. The third chapter is the methodology, including three research questions, the subjects of the research, the detailed description of the questionnaire and the data collection. The forth chapter indicates the concrete result and makes a data analysis to have a further discussion about college students’ consumer psychology. The last chapter is a conclusion which consists of major findings, limitations and recommendations for future research.
    Chapter Two  Literature review
    2.1 Consumer psychology of brand
         The international modern marketing theory regards “Brands are not just a name, a sign or a symbol but they are a group of intangible assets in consumer psychology. Brands now exist in the minds of consumers but not in the factory or marketing department any more. The turning point of brand building is to put brands into consumers’ psychological space, which means consumers can clearly know brands, at the same time, brands can establish a strong position in their minds. ”(Lu Gongtai, & KuangDanNi, 1998, p. 32)To some extent, contemporary consumers are deeply influenced by brand consumer psychology.
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