
    2.2 Studies on Pragmatic Presuppositions in Advertisements
    He Ziran (1997)said, ‘Advertisements is an important part of social languages. It affects people’s daily life and work through all kinds of ways. With the development of society, this kind of influence will be deeper and deeper. As a way of service for economy, advertisements language is a vital point of pragmatics. The word ‘advertising’ came from Latin word ‘advertere’ which means ‘turn to’ to arouse our attention’ (Goddard, 1998: 6)
    Generally, Leech was considered as the first person who did research on advertisements with a scientific attitude. In 1996, he published a book to describe the voice, phoneme, grammar and vocabulary of advertisements. From the perspective of pragmatics, advertising is a kind of persuasive pragmatic act. This act includes purposes which uses strategies. By studying this, it can be known strategy advertising designers used and know how they succeed to be attractive.
    In 1999, Chen Xinren researched the types of presupposition in advertisements from social psychology. After this, in 2002, Liang Yujuan and Zuo Hongxia found that advertisements producer like to adopt structural and vocabulary presupposition to arouse people’s attention. Then Wei Zaijiang (2003)added cultural and pun presupposition at the basic of Chen Xinren’s view. In 2006, Chen Xiang pided advertising presupposition into confirmatory presupposition, suggestive presupposition and comparative presupposition from the perspective of characters of presupposition in advertisements and the intention of advertisements. She also pointed out the economic and politeness principle the advertisements should obey to.
    In conclusion, pragmatic presupposition in advertisements has been a hot spot in recent years. Yet these researches are mainly scattered and centered in the positive influence. This paper is focused on the pragmatic presupposition in food advertisements with examples, helping to understand the pragmatic presupposition using in food advertisements.
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