
    In Beloved, slaves, whether you are a man or a woman, are always forced to serve and work. In addition, rapes occur frequently. As Beloved says, a female slave gets pregnant almost every year(Morrison, 2007). Female slaves are the tools of giving birth. Most slaves, like Sethe, don’t know who their mother and father are. In this way, female slaves are more valuable than male ones, so female slaves suffer more. 
    In white nationalists’ opinion, black people are the inferior race in biology and culture, which means black people should become the slaves of the white minority. The worst is that black’s heart and spiritual faith begin to change in great contrast between dream and reality and under the impact of the power of the white’s culture and values(Guo & Fu, 2008). Since negroes are part of the black, they also suffer from the condition where they don’t know how to balance their own faith and the mainstream.
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