    关键词  隐喻   词汇   关联
    Title  A Research on Word Migration in Metaphor
    More than 30 years ago, researches on metaphor have become a hot topic in SLA research area. It is known that metaphor can be seen as a thinking style, which is widely used in our daily life. Metaphor has a very important role in English learning. Many researches have been done in this area from home and abroad. This study analyses the links between metaphor and college students’ English proficiency level. In this study, 20 English majors were invited to do a test concerning metaphor. By analyzing the results, this study found that knowing metaphor is beneficial to L2 learners’ vocabulary learning. It could be also found that college students are familiar with noun metaphors and verb metaphors but they know little about preposition metaphors. In addition, students of higher-English proficiency level mastered metaphor better than students of lower-English proficiency did.
    Keywords  metaphor   vocabulary   migration
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    2  Literature Review    1
    2.1  Definition of Metaphor    1
    2.2  Characteristics of Metaphor    2
    2.3  Classification of Metaphor    3
    2.4  Previous Studies    5
    3  Methodology    6
    3.1  Research Questions    6
    3.2  Subjects    6
    3.3  Research Method    7
    3.4  Data Analysis    7
    4  Results and Discussion of findings    7
    Conclusion    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    Bibliography    14
    1 Introduction
    More than 30 years ago, researches on metaphor has become a hot topic in SLA research area. As we know, metaphor can be seen as a kind of thinking style, which is widely used in our daily life. In most occasions, for L2 learners, systematic analysis and process of second language acquisition are both a problem and challenge. Because before students learn a foreign language, they have already formed native (L1) metaphorical system, L1 concept system will affect students' second language (L2), which might result in the migration phenomenon.
    Second language acquisition has been a difficult process of English learning. In second language vocabulary acquisition, metaphor as a way of thinking, can play very important role. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson put forward a cognitive metaphor theory, setting off a metaphorical study boom. They found that about 70 % of the daily expressions come from the concept of metaphor (George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, 1980:15-20).
    This research would introduce the definition and classification of metaphor. Then the study would do a quantitative study, trying to find out the relationship between metaphor understanding and L2 learners’ proficiency level.
    2 Literature Review
    2.1 Definition
    There are two definitions of metaphor (George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, 1980: 2-5). One is: The essence of metaphor is to understand and experience one kind of thing in terms of another. The other is: Metaphors are the mapping relations between two independent conceptual domains: the source domain and target domain. Metaphor is a psychological construct mapping. This mapping is often passed from one specific source domain to another abstract target domain to achieve the purpose of understanding the target domain. A conceptual metaphor refers to the structure of our conceptual metaphor system and potential impact on our way of thinking.
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