
    摘要:随着我国网民规模的持续增长以及互联网经济的不断发展,网络逐渐成 为广告营销的主要阵地。新媒体在传播营销上的强势发展促使着传统的广告模 式不断向新媒体转移,不同于传统媒体形式,新媒体以新兴的传播模式大大改 变了广告景观。新媒体广告的强势发展逐渐威胁到传统广告的地位,然而在传 统广告式微,新媒体广告蓬勃发展的背后,问题也在逐步显现,缺乏明确界定 与监管的新媒体广告严重影响着我国新媒体广告市场的健康发展。为了新媒体 广告的良性发展,该如何面对这些挑战是我们必须要解决的问题,本文就针对 我国新媒体广告的发展现状进行调查总结,并简要分析制约我国新媒体广告发 展的主要问题,进而找出解决这些问题的方案。 66296


    The present situation and problems of the development of new media advertising in China

    Abstract: With the continuous growth of Internet users in China and the continuous 

    development of the Internet economy, the network has gradually become the main position of advertising and marketing. The strong development of new media in communication marketing has prompted the traditional advertising model to transfer to new media. Unlike traditional media forms, the new media has changed the advertising landscape in a new mode of communication. The strong development of new media advertising become a threat to the traditional advertising position, but in the decline of traditional advertising, new media advertising behind the rapid development of problems have gradually emerged, the lack of clear definition and supervision of new media advertising seriously affects the healthy development of the market of new media advertising in china. For the benign development of new media advertising, how to face these challenges we have to solve the problem, this paper summarizes the survey to the current development of China's new media advertising, 

    and a brief analysis of the main problems restricting the development of the new media advertising, and then find out the solution to solve these problems. 

    KeyWords: new media advertising;present situation  ;problem 


    绪论 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

    (二)文献综述 1

    一、我国新媒体广告的发展情况 3

    (一)广告发展注重互动性 3

    (二)市场规模稳步上升 4

    (三)广告形式趋于多样化 5

    二、我国新媒体广告的类型分析 7

    (一)网络新媒体广告 7

    (二)融合新媒体广告 8

    (三)户外新媒体广告 8

    三、我国新媒体广告的制约因素 9

    (一)我国新媒体广告市场缺乏有效的监督管理 9

    (二)轰炸式垃圾广告影响用户体验 10

    (三)部分新媒体广告品质低劣,粗制滥造 10

    四、我国新媒体广告的发展对策 11

    结语 12

    致谢 13

    参考文献 14


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