摘要:随着全球化的发展,当今世界各种文化出现融合现象,但彼此间还是存在着一定的 差异性,而电影作为文化载体,能够展现出文化各个方面的不同。各个国家电影特色的多 样性展现了民族文化的丰富性和差异性,在同一题材的电影作品表现尤其突出。本文试图 通过比较分析改编自同一题材的二部电影——迪斯尼动画电影《花木兰》和中国电影版《花 木兰》,主要从文化异同的角度来对比研究中西方在价值观念、女性意识和民族传统方面 的中西文化差异,以期待人们在欣赏影视作品的同时,能从中获得更多不同角度的见解, 增强对中西文化差异的了解;同时本文在此基础上深入探讨全球化进程下的文化碰撞与融 合现象,从“中为洋用”中看西方对中国的文化误读,期待在学习西方发达国家文化的优 秀之处的同时,能够保留传统文化的精髓,处理好本土文化与本土文化传播之间的关系。 66290
The comparative study of Chinese and western cultures in the movie perspective——Take China's "Mulan" and Disney's "Mulan"
Abstract:With the development of globalization, all kinds of cultural fusion phenomenon occurring in the world, but still there are certain differences between each other. The persity of films shows the richness and persity of national culture, especially in films of the same subject. This article attempts through the comparative analysis of the film adaptation of the same subject matter, the Disney animated film "Mulan" and the Chinese film version of the "Mulan", from the cultural differences in values, women's consciousness and the compare of national traditions to known about which were the cultural differences between China and western countries, the aim is to get people to appreciate more in the film and to gain more different perspectives and to enhance the understanding of the differences between Chinese and western cultures. At the same time this paper have deeply considerate on the basis of the
cultural collision and fusion of the globalization process, talking about the “use the Chinese culture in the western move”to comprehend what is cross-cultural misreading. Finally, I hope
people can in the study of the best parts of the western developed countries culture, not only should preserve the essence of traditional culture, but also to deal with the relationship between the local culture and local culture communication.
Keywords:move of Mulan;Cultural Diversity;nationalism;Inpidualism
一、绪论 5
1.1 研究目的及意义 5
二、对中西方两部《花木兰》中“木兰”形象塑造的对比 7
2.1 木兰服饰造型上的对比 7
2.2 木兰妆容外貌上的对比 .7
2.3 木兰人物性格塑造对比 8
三、两部《花木兰》里中西文化的融合与冲撞 9
3.1 从两部《花木兰》中看中西方文化融合 9
3.2 美国所代表的英雄zhuyi和中国所代表的民族zhuyi..9
3.3 两个不同的木兰所代表的女性zhuyi解析对比 11
3.4 从两个不同的木兰中看中美家庭伦理和爱情观念的差异...12