

    论文首先对长平晶做了简单的介绍,然后结合规程讨论有关长平晶检定的干涉原理。在确定了长平晶检定系统的模型之后,完成了软件算法框图的设计,并细化了Phase one软件的数据出口与数据入口。结合系统实际测量,设计了测量辅助夹具并分析了其功能。最后进行了长平晶检定实验,并对实验数据进行相关的处理和分析。60386

    毕业论文关键词   长平晶  计量  算法  辅助夹具


    Title   The Design of the long optical flat Metrological Verification System                   


    This article discusses the basic principle of the equal inclination interference and equal thickness interference. Also, this article discussed the model of the long optical flat verification system to determine the the basic algorithm of the long optical flat mosaic . At the same time, according to requirements, complete the the analysis and the design of the auxiliary fixture of measurement.

    Firstly, the article give the long optical flat with a brief introduction, and then combined the procedures discussed the principle of interference about the long optical flat. After determining of the model of the long optical flat verification system, completed a block diagram design of the software algorithms, and refined the data export and data entry of the Phase one. Combined with the actual measurement system designed and analyze its features of the auxiliary fixture. Finally, completed a along optical flat crystal experiments, and process and analysis the experimental data.

    Keywords  long optical flat  measurement  algorithm  auxiliary fixture

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究状况 1

    1.3  本课题的主要研究内容与工作 1

    2  长平晶的检定 2

    2.1  平晶的检定规程 2

    2.2  检定仪器 4

    2.3  长平晶分段拼接检验 8

    3   长平晶检定系统的设计 10

    3.1  长平晶检定的需求分析 10

    3.2  程序算法的基本介绍 11

    3.3  程序的接口设计 17

    3.4  测量辅助夹具的设计 18

    3.5  系统误差分析 19

    3.6  小结 19

    4  长平晶检定实验与不确定度分析 19

    4.1  长平晶检定的仿真实验 19

    4.2  长平晶面形检测的数值指标 23

    4.3  不确定度分析 25

    4.4  小结 27

    5  全文总结 27

    5.1  所做的工作与预期的对比 27

    5.2  有待研究和解决的问题

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