
    摘要近年来,处在人眼的安全波段2μm Tm激光在军用激光测距、激光遥感、光学成像、光电对抗、医学诊断和治疗、医疗仪器的制备、激光武器、材质材料的处理、光学信号的处理、环境监测等领域已经拥有越来越重要的应用以及发展前景。本文首先介绍了一些2μm激光的相关应用以及发展的前景;其次介绍了一些目前常见的一些产生2μm激光的激光器的发展历史以及简单的原理介绍,例如常见的Tm:YAG 陶瓷激光器、Tm,Ho双掺激光器、单掺Tm激光器、脉冲Tm:LuAG固体激光器等;接下来对声光调Q开关的结构以及工作的原理进行了简略的分析以及介绍;最后结合实验以及实验数据分析了声光调Q Tm:YAG透明陶瓷激光器的相关特性。68844

    毕业论文关键词:2μm激光;  掺Tm激光器; 调Q激光器; 声光调Q开关 

    Characteristics of 2μm band acousto-opticQ-switched lasers


    In recent years, the eye-safe  2 μm Tm lasers have an increasingly important application and development prospects in the fields of  military laser rangefinder, laser remote sensing, optical imaging, optoelectronics confrontation, medical diagnosis and treatment, medical equipment, laser weapons, materials, materials processing, and environmental monitoring.This paper first describes some of the prospects of 2 μm laser as well as related applications. Secondly, this paper describes some of the common history of the development of the 2μm lasers as well as basic principle, inculding Tm: YAG ceramic laser, Tm, Ho co-doped lasers, Tm-doped lasers and pulsed Tm: LuAG lasers. Next, the structure and principles of the acousto-optic Q-switches were briefly presented. Finally, analysis of experimental results of the acousto-optic Q-swithed Tm: YAG ceramics laser was given.

    Key Words:  2μm laser;  Tm-doped lasers;  Q-switched laser; Acousto-optic Q-switch  



    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 V

    1绪论 1

    1.1激光医疗 1

    1.2光电对抗 1

    1.3激光雷达 2

    1.4  2μm军用激光测距机 3

    2 .  2μm固体激光器 4

    2.1  Tm:YAG 陶瓷激光器 4

    2.2 Tm,Ho双掺激光器 5

    2.3 单掺Tm激光器 7

    2.4 脉冲Tm:LuAG固体激光器 8

    2.5 Tm泵浦Ho激光器 9

    3.声光调Q技术 10

    3.1声光布拉格衍射器件与结构 10

    3.2声光调Q激光器工作 12

    4.声光调Q Tm:YAG透明陶瓷激光器 12

    4.1实验装置 13

    4.2实验结果及分析 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 18


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图1-1 图1-1声光Q开关原理


    图1-2 图1-2YAG连续声光调Q激光器

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