    1.    随着废砖颗粒粒径的增大,废砖的容重值减小,有效持水量减少。20170
    2.    随着废砖颗粒粒径的增大,废砖的释水能力增大,持水能力减弱。
    3.    随着废砖颗粒粒径的增大,田间持水量减少,凋萎系数增加,有效持水量增加。
    4.    随着废砖颗粒粒径的增大,总孔隙度增大,其中通气孔隙度增大,进而导致持水孔隙度减小,有效持水量减少,大小孔隙比增大。
    5.    0.5-5毫米的废砖与草炭1:(1-4)混合是良好的基质。
    6.    相同栽培管理条件下,5-10mm的废砖更适合兰花生长。
    The analysis and adjustment of the water holding capacities for waste bricks
    Abstract: With the progress and development of China's horticultural facilities, media culture has been paid more and more attention. While the other side, construction of brick scrap as the city came into being, puts enormous pressure on the environment. Therefore, by using waste tiles unique advantages to treasure it, as the matrix has a very important significance for plant cultivation. For the substrate, and substrate water holding capacity is one of the important characteristics of the substrate, and the pros and cons of water holding capacity mainly depend on physico-chemical properties of the substrate. Includes: substrate characteristics such as particle size, bulk density, void. Gap characteristics directly impact the moisture and oxygen content of the matrix, is one of the most important physico-chemical parameters. Study on waste water holding characteristics of bricks and adjusting matrix requirements scope, determine if abandoned bricks can be used for the substrate plays a key role. This experiment to waste brick for research object, research its holding waterborne, experiment including: different particles grain trail Xia capacity heavy on waste brick holding waterborne of effects; different particles grain trail Xia matrix release water capacity and holding waterborne of relationship; particles grain trail on field holding water, saturated holding water, moisture constants of effects; different particles grain trail Xia of pore characteristics on waste brick holding waterborne of effects; peat and waste brick different proportion mixed on holding waterborne of regulation; different particles grain trail waste brick for orchid planting of effect. Results showed that:
    1.    Increases with brick scrap particle size, bulk density values decrease of waste brick, effectively holding less water.
    2.    Waste brick as particle size increases, increased waste water-releasing capacity of brick, water-retention capacity.
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