
    摘要阵列天线相比于单个天线有更好的方向性,增益和更窄的波瓣宽度,被广泛地 应用于各个领域。在阵列天线中,每一个阵元的电磁场的叠加便是空间中阵列的 场分布。当改变了阵列天线中阵元的排列方式,激励的振幅或相位时,阵列的功 能也随之变化。本文开始时介绍了阵列天线的研究背景现状以及其基本原理。然 后通过对矩形波导周期阵列天线的模拟仿真,观察研究阵列单元数,单元间的互 耦对天线方向图的影响。在此基础上通过仿真软件 HFSS,设计一 20×20 矩形波 导周期阵列天线,工作频率在 8-12GHz 之间,得出其辐射方向图,增益,并且对 设计出的天线及其阵列进行相关仿真与优化。68441

    毕业论文关键词  阵列天线 软件仿真 互耦 矩形波导

    Title      Design and Research of the rectangular waveguide  periodic array antenna


    Array antenna is randomized by the rule that not less than two antenna elements and through appropriate incentives to achieve a predetermined radiation characteristics. Radiated electromagnetic of array antenna is an antenna array consisting of the sum of each unit of the radiation field (vector sum). The position of each unit and the amplitude and phase of each feed current can be adjusted independently, which makes the array antenna having various functions. This paper describes the working principle and system metrics requirements of array antenna. Then simulated dipole antenna array and a rectangular waveguide array antenna simulation cycle, the antenna pattern on the mutual coupling between the array elements observational study. On the basis of the simulation software, a design period of the rectangular waveguide 20 × 20 array antenna, operating frequency between 8-12GHz, come to its radiation pattern, gain, and the design of the antenna array and associated simulation and optimization.

    Keywords antenna array software emulation mutual coupling rectangular waveguide

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 及意义 1

    1. 2  国内外 研究 现状 2

    2  阵列天 线基本 理论 5

    2.1  引言 5

    2.2 方向图乘积定理 5

    2.3  几种典型的阵列天线 7

    2.3.1  二元阵 7

    2.3.2 直线阵 7

    2.3.3 矩形平面阵列 8

    2.3.4  圆形阵列 9

    3  互耦效应对阵列天线方向图影响分析… 10

    3.1 阵列天线互耦概述 10

    3.2  分析模型的建立 12

    3.3  运用 FEKO 软件仿真分析互耦 13

    4  运用 HFSS 软件模拟仿真矩形波导阵列天线 20

    4.1  HFSS 软件 模 拟仿 真 矩 形 波 导 直线阵 20 

    4 .2  20 × 20 矩形波导周期阵列设计与仿真 23

    4.2.1  单个 WR90 矩形波导天线的建立 24

    4.2.2  20×20 矩形波导阵列的建立

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