




    毕业论文关键词  地铁 制动电阻 地面化 仿真 牛顿迭代算法


    Title    The simulation and analysis of the subway grounding rheostatic braking                


    Nowadays,regeneration braking has been widely used in electric railway and Urban Rail Transit(URT) due to its characters such as easily controlling and energy saving.Resistor on board is usually used to avoid invalidation of regeneration.This method has some disadvantages such as increasing weight of vehicles and increasing temperature rising in tunnel.So,in order to avoid those problems, the Grounding Rheostatic Braking had been applied in China when the first linear metro was introduced in Guangzhou Line 1.Extra regeneration energy is consumed by the device on ground together.

    In this paper, the characteristic and operation principle of the Grounding Rheostatic Braking are described in detail.On the problem that how to allocate and decide the power of Grounding Rheostatic Braking devices,a simulation model of the Urban Rail Transit with Grounding Rheostatic Braking is introduced.considering all effects of the factors such as train running graph, feeding line resistance,operation voltage of the device and so on.Because the characters of the model are time-changing and non-linear, Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm is introduced here.Then important figures can be gotten such as output braking power and output voltage.

    Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm is introduced here.Then important figures can be gotten such as output braking power and output voltage.The results of the simulation are not only important for the study of Grounding Rheostatic Braking but also used for the analysis of energy consuming of the system.

    The results of the simulation are not only important for the study of Grounding Rheostatic Braking but also used for the analysis of energy consuming of the system.Simulation has been done based on the Nanjing line 1.The average and amplitude of braking power has been gotten after considering all the factors.Further research has been done about the effect factors such as train running graph,resistance of line,system voltage and so on. 

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