


        本文通过ADS软件中的优化控件自动获取合适的微带线长度和宽度,使得滤波器达到设计指标。  64897 



    毕业论文关键词  帯阻滤波器  微带线  短截线


    Title    design of bandstop filter                      


    Abstract The main object of study is the microstrip line band-stop filter。Useing microstrip line and stub as components design the third-order circuit model,and simulation with the ADS software。The impedance level is changed during the design, the filter parameters are changed, and the impedance change is to change the size of the length and width of the microstrip line.In this paper, the optimal control ADS software automatically obtain the appropriate length and width of the microstrip line, making the filter to meet the design targets.The design need to reach the target for center frequency :f0=5GHz,stopband bandwidth: Δf=2000MHz,stopband range:4000MHz~6000MHz,stopband rejection:S21<=-25dB and passband reflection

    S11<-10dB at 1.00GHz~3.50GHz & 6.50GHz~9.00GHz。The simulation result are consistent with targets,except the layout simulation occurs frequency shift,but within an acceptable range。 

    Keywords  bandstop filter   microstrip   stub

    目   次

    1 绪 论 1

    1.2 帯阻滤波器研究的意义 2

    1.3 帯阻滤波器研究现状 2

    1.4 滤波器的原理介绍 3

    1.5 微带线 7

    1.6  Advanced  Design  System简介 8

    2 帯阻滤波器设计原理 9

    2.1 低通到帯阻的转换 9

    2.2 集总元件到分布元件的频率变换 10

    3 帯阻滤波器设计过程 12

    3.1 微带帯阻滤波电路设计 12

    3.2  微带线计算 14

    3.3 原理图设计及仿真 15

    3.4  原理图优化与仿真 17

    3.5 版图生成及仿真 19

    结 论 25

    致谢 26

    参考文献 27

    1 绪 论     

    1.1 滤波器简介


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