



    毕业论文关键字:毫米波 辐射计 毫米波辐射模型 富营养化 

    Title: Millimeter wave radiation characteristic           experiment and analysis of the target on water    


    With the development of human society, the problem of water pollution has become increasingly prominent, especially water eutrophication problems intensified.there will be a large number of shortcomings such as the high cost, heavy workload, and low efficiency in the traditional water pollution detection.

    Millimeter—wave (MMW) wavelengths is at the field between infrared and microwave,SO it has the same characteristics of two ranges.The radiation characteristics of water bodies can be detected by MMW radiometer. The pollution can be monitored with the help of the radiation characteristics. And this way is a new method to detect the water pollution which can come over the shortcomings of the traditional methods.

    First,this paper introduced radiation characteristic of MMW and the measure principle.Second,it introduces the measurement principle and calibration method of Dick radiometer. Finally, using the knowledge of millimeter wave measuring technology and theory of electromagnetic fields, building three-layer media millimeter wave radiation model.Based on the actual measurement data to detect a target brightness temperature inversion,demonstrate the feasibility of using millimeter wave radiation detection technology to detect the eutrophication.

    Key words:Millimeter Wave,Radiometer,Millimeter Wave Radiation Model, Eutrophication.

    目   次

    1绪论 1

    1.1论文的课题背景 1

    1.2毫米波辐射特性的研究现状 2

    1.3本文的主要任务 3

    2毫米波辐射特性的物理原理 4

    2.1辐射测量原理 4

    2.2物体的辐射特性 11

    3毫米波辐射计 15

    3.1全功率辐射计 15

    3.2狄克型辐射计 16

    3.3辐射计的主要技术指标 19

    4水污染毫米波辐射理论分析与建模 20

    4.1空气—植物—水面模型 20

    4.2等效传输线模型 21

    4.3植被水面的反射率 24

    4.4 植被水面的亮温 25

    4.5亮温反演 26


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