



    毕业论文关键词  功分器模拟平台  Matlab  Flash  威尔金森功分器


    Title    The Analog Platform Of Power Divider             



    This paper introduces the design of the power pider analog platform from these sides: research background, the theoretical basis、the theoretical design、implementation、disadvantages and so on, at the end, there are references and appendix.

    The principle of the power pider analog platform bases on the knowledge of the microwave network technology. The real image and theoretical knowledge are combined for simulating the distribution of power in the actual various power piders. The meth of designing the Wilkinson power pider is also given.

    On selecting the software to program the power pider analog platform, in order to take into account the image and computational performance requirements, comparing with other softwares, it is decided that: Use software Flash to achieve figurativeness, and use Matlab for computing and designing GUI, and finally combine the two kinds of software, and ultimately achieve the expected requirements.

    Keywords  Power pider analog platform  Matlab  Flash  Wilkinson 

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.1.1  功分器的简介 1

    1.1.2  功分器的发展 1

    1.1.3  功分器的研究现状 2

    1.2  本论文的内容和结构 2

    2  原理分析 3

    2.1  功分器的基础知识 3

    2.1.1  功分器的定义及分类 3

    2.1.2  功分器的技术指标 3

    2.1.3  不同的频率段功分器分成不同的系列 5

    2.2  功分器的性质 5

    2.3  几种常见的功分器 8

    2.3.1  T型无耗功分器 8

    2.3.2  电阻功分器 8

    2.3.3  微带功分器-威尔金森功分器 9

    3  理论设计 14

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