


    论文首先对实时控制计算机的主要功能以及它与外部设备之间的通信情况作了具体的说明,给出了系统设计方案。然后重点讨论了实时控制计算机的软件设计。论文利用了Xilinx公司的ISE开发设计软件,运用Verilog HDL硬件描述语言来完成对实控机系统的编程。结合第三方软件Modelsim进行仿真,验证结果是否正确。最后将已经仿真实现的程序下载到已有的FPGA开发板上,运用Chipscope进行调试,同时将生成的配置文件导入芯片进行测试,并通过示波器观察输出波形。最终的调试结果表明实时控制计算机的软件设计达到了预期的要求。

    毕业论文关键词  雷达目标模拟器  实时控制计算机  软件设计  Verilog HDL 语言


    Title    FPGA software design and implementation of real-        

               -time control computer of radar target simulator                                                 


    With the rapid development of modern electronic technology, the composition and design of the radar has undergone fundamental changes. The radar system has become more and more complex, which makes it more difficult to debug. Using field experiments to provide radar test data will bring a huge waste of human and material resources, and the controllability of the test environment is poor. Therefore, the radar target echo simulator, which can provide highly realistic test environment and use simulator tools to debug, emerged and developed rapidly.

    After the simulator starts to work, the real-time control computer receives operating parameters from the PC, and then sends commands to the radar target simulator. In addition, it can receive feedback information of the simulator.

    Firstly, the paper gives a specific introduction of the main functions of the real-time control computer and its communication with the external devices,as  well as the system design. Then the paper focuses on talking about the software design of the real-time control computer. In this thesis, the Xilinx’s ISE design software and Verilog HDL hardware description language are used to complete the implement the real-time control computer. The next step is Combining with the third-party simulation software, Modelsim, to verify the results. Finally, the program has been downloaded to the existing FPGA board and is debugged by using Chipscope. At the same time, the generated configuration file is imported to the chip to be tested and the output waveform can be observed through the oscilloscope. The final results show that the software design of the real-time control computer has met the expected requirements.

    Keywords  radar target echo simulator  real-time control computer  software design  Verilog HDL



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