
    摘要基片集成波导( SIW)具有低插损、高Q值、易于集成等优点,作为一种新型的导波技术已经被广泛地用于微波与毫米波电路。随着研究深入,一种新的导波结构———半模基片集成波导(HMSIW)被提出,与基片集成波导相比,半模基片集成波导保留了基片集成波导的优点,同时在尺寸上缩小近一半。本文用ansoft HFSS对半模基片集成波导进行建模,研究其侧壁泄露特性。比较不同厚度的介质基片材料仿真结果,并且解释介质基片材料厚度不同对侧壁泄露的影响。64593

    毕业论文关键词  半模基片集成波导(HMSIW)   HFSS   侧壁泄露


    Title leakage from the side wall of  Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide(HMSIW)

    Abstract As low insertion loss(IL), high Q, high integrated level, substrate integrated waveguide ( SIW) has already been widely used in the design of integrated microwave and millimeter circuits. With the in-depth study, a novel guide wave structure named " half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) " is reported.The new structure could keep the original performance of SIW with nearly a half reduction in size. In this paper,model HMSIW by ansoft HFSS and research the  characteristic of leakage from the side wall. Compare simulation results of different thickness of the dielectric substrate material,and explain the thickness of substrat  influence on the leakage from side wall.

    Keywords  Halfmode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW)   HFSS  Side wall     leakage

    绪论 1

    1.1 基片集成波导技术研究背景及现状 1

    1.2 本文的研究内容和结构安排 1

    2 基片集成波导 2

    2.1 基片集成波导SIW结构 2

    2.2 基片集成波导的分析方法 3

    2.2.1 等效模型法 3

    2.2.2 软件分析法 4

    2.3 基片集成波导传输特性 4

    2.4 半模基片集成波导HMSIW 6

    3 建模 7

    3.1 模型理论分析 7

    3.2 HMSIW建模示范 8

    4 仿真与分析 15

    4.1 HMSIM传输S参数曲线 15

    5 HMSIW的侧壁泄露特性 16

    5.1 HMSIW侧壁泄漏辐射场分析 16

    6 介质基片厚度对侧壁泄露的影响 17

    6.1 不同厚度介质基片的HMSIW侧壁泄露特性 17

    6.2 介质基片厚度影响侧壁泄露的原因

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