


    毕业论文关键词:  共模电流  电磁兼容(EMC)  电磁辐射  CST微波工作室  赫兹偶极子


    Title    The mechanism of common mode current research  

    Abstract Common mode current is an important concept of the electromagnetic compatibility(EMC),and is a major source of electromagnetic radiation. In this paper, we firstly deduced the playground of charged particles from the perspective of electrodynamics. Accelerated motion of charged particles is sufficient condition to generate electromagnetic radiation. Then, we discussed the causes of common mode current. Transmission line model can predict only differential mode currents, however, the actual system, are not completely symmetric balanced transmission line, and the common mode current is inevitable. In addition, we also measured, in Hertz dipole model, the approximate estimation of the differential mode current and common mode current maximum radiation in far field.

    Next, we use CST MICROWAVE STUDIO to simulated several typical structures. The simulation results are consistent with the theoretical prediction. The main causes of common mode current is imbalance of the wire itself, or   asymmetry of the conductor  or non-structure close to the wire. Compared to the differential mode current, the common mode current is a major factor in generating electromagnetic radiation.

    Keywords:  common-mode current  electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)  electromagnetic radiation  CST MICROWAVE STUDIO  Hertz dipole model

    1  引言 1

    1.1  电磁兼容性(EMC) 1

    1.1.1  EMC涉及的方面 1

    1.1.2  EMC历史 2

    1.1.3  共模电流与EMC 3

    2  电磁理论基础 3

    2.1  麦克斯韦方程组 3

    2.2  边界条件 7

    2.3  功率流 9

    3  运动带电粒子的电磁场及辐射 10

    3.1  电动力学得相对论不变性 10

    3.1.1  四维电流密度矢量 10

    3.1.2  四维势矢量 11

    3.1.3  电磁场量变换 11

    3.2  匀速运动电荷的场分布 12

    3.3  加速度与辐射场 15

    3.3.1  李纳-维谢尔势 15

    3.3.2  任意运动带电粒子的电磁场 16

    3.3.3  自有场和辐射场 21

    4  共模电流 22

    4.1  共模电流的产生 22

    4.2  共模电流与辐射 24

    4.3  实验仿真 28

    4.3.1  CST微波工作室简介29

    4.3.2  共模电流的仿真 29

    结论 39

    致谢  40


    1  引言(或绪论)


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