

       本文主要分为六个部分:第一章是论文的引言部分,简单地介绍了选题背景与意义,国内外研究现状以及仿真软件的应用。第二章是矩形波导基础理论的介绍。第三章是微带线基础理论的介绍。先介绍传输线的种类,再由理想的均匀传输线等效电路详细地推导传输线方程及其解。第四章介绍了传输线阻抗匹配的基本原理和常用的匹配方法。第五章就各种微带一波导过渡结构做了下介绍,并比较了各自的优缺点,以及使用的范围。第六章 设计了Ka波段微带探针一波导过渡结构,分并使用高频仿真软件HFss进行建模和仿真,并给出了Ka波段内的优化数据。经仿真优化验证,该宽带波导-微带探针过渡在26.5-40GHz内插入损耗小于0.17dB,驻波系数小于1.2。63603

    毕业论文关键词  Ka波段,波导,微带,H面探针,过渡


    Title    H plane waveguide-microstrip tansition circuit  design                                                 

    Abstract In the technology of microwave and millimeter wave, microstrip is a very important transmission form in the microwave circuits, but many millimeter wave test systems and interface of apparatus are using waveguide. So the waveguide-to-miceostrip transition technology becomes one of the key technologies of system implantation.

    This paper is pided into six parts: the first chapter is the introduction part of the thesis, briefly introduces the background and significance of topics, research status at home and abroad and the application of simulation software. The second chapter is the introduction of the basic theory of rectangular waveguide. The third chapter is the basic theory of microstrip line. First introduces types of transmission line, then the homogeneous ideal transmission line equivalent circuit is deduced transmission line equation and its solution. The fourth chapter introduces the basic principle of transmission line impedance matching and commonly used matching method. The fifth chapter made the introduction of various microstrip waveguide transition structure, and their advantages and disadvantages are compared, and the use of the scope of. The sixth chapter designed the Ka band microstrip probe waveguide transition structure, and using the high frequency simulation software HFss for modeling and simulation, and gives the optimization of data within the Ka bands. The simulation and optimization of verification, the broadband waveguide - microstrip probe transition and the insertion loss is less than 0.17dB within 26.5-40GHz, VSWR is less than 1.2.

    Keywords  Ka wave-band, waveguide, microstrip, H-plane probe, transition

     目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题应用及其意义 1

    1.2 高频电磁场仿真软件介绍 2

    1.3  本文所完成任务 3

    1.4  本文章节安排 3

    2  矩形波导 5

    2.1  矩形波导的场分布 5

    2.1.1  TE波 6

    2.1.2  TM波 6

    2.1.4   模的面流分布

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