


    毕业论文关键词  无线传感网络  分簇拓扑控制算法  LEACH协议   网络寿命


    Title  Simulation on Clustering Topology Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks 

    Abstract Wireless sensor networks is wireless networks composed of stationary or moving sensors to self-organization and multi-hop manner, its purpose is perception, acquisition, processing and transmission network coverage area perceive objects, sent to the user . Sensors, sensing object and the observer constitute three important elements of the wireless sensor networks . Unicom degrees to meet and network coverage under the premise of the main research topics topology wireless sensor clustering algorithm, designed to rational and efficient use of network energy, delay the survival of the entire network lifetime.

    This paper is pided into four parts: First, the first part of this paper introduces research background of the wireless sensor network, significance and current domestic and international wireless sensor network clustering algorithm based research status; Secondly, the second part of this paper introduces the radio sensor network topology algorithm clustering architecture, the general classification, design goals and requirements as well as a simple clustering algorithm papers and analysis and comparison of typical algorithms; once again, the third part of this paper mainly analyzed the typical clustering algorithm - LEACH agreement of the working mechanism, models, algorithms, and application performance network simulation software simulation; Finally, the fourth part of this article focused on the inadequacies of the LEACH protocol, made their algorithm and simulation comparison summary.

    Keywords  Wireless sensor network  Clustering topology control algorithm Lifetime of network  LEACH protocol   

    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究背景1

    1.2  研究意义3

    1.3  研究现状4

    1.4  本文工作4

    2  无线传感网分簇拓扑算法6

    2.1  体系结构6

    2.2  一般分类 7

    2.3  设计目的和要求 8

    2.4  简单理论与典型分簇算法 9

    3  LEACH协议的分析12

    3.1 工作机制12

    3.2 分析模型14

    3.3 算法性能15

    4 仿真实验与分析17

    4.1 仿真工具NS-217

    4.2 仿真平台的搭建18

    4.3 仿真环境设置18

    4.4 仿真结果与分析19

    结论 26

    致谢 27


    1 绪论

    1.1  研究背景


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