


    毕业论文关键词  图像拼接  图像配准  边缘特征  图像融合


    Title    Image Mosaic Technology Research                           

    Abstract Image mosaic technology has a wide application in the military, remote sensing and medical. This paper describes the process of image mosaic technology, including image preprocessing, image registration and image fusion. Mainly discussed the basic theory, processes and methods for image registration . Commonly used in image registration method is pided into two categories: pixel-based image registration and feature-based image registration. Pixel-based image registration method is mainly discussed gray-based and frequency domain (Fourier transform)-based registration and the edge-based registration method is discussed in feature-based image registration method, Traverse the edge image of the two images to find the right  position, thus completing the image registration. It need to fuses image after the registration. A frequently-used getting in and get out method is presented for image fusion and realize the whole procedure of image mosaic.

    Keywords  Image mosaic  Image registration  Edge feature  Image fusion

    1 引言 3

    1.1  图像拼接技术的背景 3

    1.2  组织结构 5

    2  图像拼接技术概述 5

    2.1  图像拼接的基本流程 6

    2.2  图像预处理 7

    2.3  图像配准 7

    2.3.1  数学描述 8

    2.3.2  空间变换模型 8

    2.3.3  图像配准的过程 9

    2.3.4  图像配准的方法 10

    2.4  图像融合 11

    2.5  小结 12

    3  基于像素的配准方法 12

    3.1  基于灰度的图像配准方法 12

    3.2  基于频域的图像配准方法 13

    3.2.1  平移量估计 13

    3.2.2  旋转角度估计 14

    3.2.3  有比例放大的变换特性 15

    3.3  实验结果 16

    3.4  小结 18

    4  基于特征的配准方法 18

    4.1  点特征

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