    摘要高功率微波(HPM)技术是20世纪70年代以来随着脉冲功率技术的发展而产生的一门新兴学科,是脉冲功率技术与等离子体物理及微波电子学技术相结合的产物。在 HPM 各种潜在的军事和商业需求中,一个重要的军事应用背景为 HPM 武器,其具有全天候、光速攻击、效费比高特点。然而 HPM 能否成为有效的军事武器一个首要基础在于 HPM 效应研究。 本论文在吸取传统效应研究方法优点基础上提出了自己特色的 PIN 限幅器对HPM 效应研究思路,即发展了一种物理实验与电子学机理分析紧密结合的 HPM效应研究方法,从器件等效电路层次开展 HPM 效应与机理物理问题研究,重点研究微波脉冲功率、频率、脉宽等参数对效应结果的影响,通过实验寻找规律与特殊现象,并通过电子学机理分析寻求合理物理解释. 第一章首先阐述研究本课题的意义,包括了研究背景,二极管限幅器发展的趋势,和国内外的研究动态。论文第二和第三章分别开展了 PIN 管物理效应和对典型雷达前端保护器件 PIN限幅器的模拟与实验研究。论文建立了 PIN 限幅器HPM效应 ADS 模拟电路模型,给出了比较合理的效应机理规律物理层面解释,通过对PIN限幅器效应模拟与实验研究,给出了 PIN 二极管限幅器重要物理特性.尖峰泄漏功率、脉宽、前沿等机理规律总结,对进一步开展 HPM 防护研究工作具有重要参考。61008   
    毕业论文关键词  高功率微波(HPM) ,效应,PIN二极管,限幅器,尖峰泄露
    Title   the effects of high power microwave on PIN diode limiter  Abstract High Power Microwave(HPM) technique is a new major field which has been developed by the joining of three science areas,the pulsed power, the plasmas physics  and the microwave electronic developments since 1970.The most potential economic and military application for all HPM sources is electromagnetic radiation.HPM weapons have many advantages which can be used in nearly  all weather and traveling at the speed of light, et a1.However, whether HPM systems  would be useful military weapons depended on answers of serial HPM effects questions. In this essay, the works are concentrated on microwave pulse parameters such as power,wave frequency, pulse width affect on whole HPM effects results through experimental studies and electronics mechanism analysis joined closely.The special effects trends are found by experiments and the reasonable physical clarification  might be built by electronic mechanism analysis. First,  The  first  chapter  expounds  the  significance  of  this  topic  research, including the research background, diode limiter development trend, and domestic  and  international  research  trends. Due to the multiple disciplines in HPM effects field, methodology and associated  Theoretical and experimental effects mechanism studies on typical radar from.  ends has been given in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.The main purpose of these two chapters works are to obtain  some valuable and reasonable effects mechanism explanation and summarizes in  physical layer by simulations and experiments.The Simulation Program  Advanced Design System(ADS)modelsfor PIN limiters were proposed  and simulated.  the  limiter  important physical  properties.  such  as  spike  leakage  of  power,  pulse  width,  mechanism of  the  front  through circuit simulations and injected experiments.It has been discovered that the ADS simulations are powerful in HPM effects researches.
       Keywords    HPM,effect, PIN  Diode, Limiter, spike leakage    

    1  引言1 

    1.1 研究背景 1 

    1.2 限幅器发展趋势 2 

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