






    关键词  矩体,乘法,算法,特殊矩体,图像处理


    Title    Operations and Application of Cuboid            


    This paper focuses on a basic problem (algebra problem) proposed in practical application of signal processing and pattern recognition, which focuses on defining the multiplication of cuboid and its algorithm, and gradually carries on discussion of its properties and subsequent definitions so as to realize application.

    Firstly, a new cuboid multiplication is introduced. After proposing some prepositive definitions such as the condition of partial inner production and eliminating the ambiguity, we present the definition of cuboid multiplication and prove it with mapping theory.

    Then, we put forward two algorithms of cuboid multiplication. In the second algorithm, the bidimensionality and evolution of cuboid are raised, which simplify the complicated multi-dimensional cuboid into an understandable structure to offer theoretical bases for the following discussion. 

    Afterwards, according to the defined multiplication, we introduce some special cuboids like structurally symmetrical cuboid, and analyse some subsequent definitions of cuboid multiplication with emphasis on the transposition of cuboid and its properties.

    Finally, practical application, especially the video and image processing based on cuboid theory is presented. We test the feasibility of the cuboid SVD algorithm by using Matlab software and compared its denoising performance with other methods to testify its advantage.

    Keywords cuboid multiplication,algorithm,special cuboid,image processing

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  矩体课题概述 1

    1.2  矩体的基本概念 3

    1.3  矩体的简单运算 5

    1.4  论文完成的主要工作及创新性成果 6

    2  矩体的乘法运算 8

    2.1  可部分内积化条件 8

    2.2  矩体乘法法则 10

    2.3  矩体乘法性质初探

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