

    毕业论文关键词   卡塞格林望远物镜系统    斯泽尔尼-特纳平面光栅    光谱仪


    Title  Furnace mouth spectral acquisition optical system design


    Nowadays,there are some shortcomings during the converter steelmaking,such as it is hardto judge the end-point correctly,the deviation is large and low production efficiency. Flame furnace mouth using spectral information to judge for BOF endpoint is a new BOF endpoint Judgement. In this paper a method has design for the system  of a furnace mouth flame spectrum information collection,The flame furnace mouth spectral acquisition system consists of pre-telescope system with spectral imaging system. Pre-telescope system is to capture the mouth of the flame radiation spectrum, the desired spectral information collected into a spectral imaging system. In spectral imaging system, with the design of the light grating spectrometer, dispersion and obtain spectral information. so that it can simultaneously capture the visible spectrum and infrared spectral information by using a telephoto lens structure Cassegrain telescope system to complete the design of the front. And using Wally Tierney - Turner plane grating complete spectral imaging system design..

    Keywords  Cassegrain telescope objective system    Wally Czerny - Turner plane grating   Spectrometer

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景及选题意义 1

    1.2光谱仪发展状况 1

    1.2.1 光谱仪简介 1

    1.2.2光谱仪的应用 2

    1.2.3光谱仪的分类 2

    1.2.4光谱仪的发展 3

    1.3本文主要工作 4

    2系统基本原理及相关理论 5

    2.1光栅 5

    2.1.1平面光栅 5

    2.1.2 凹面光栅 7

    3望远系统设计 11

    3.1系统参数确定 11

    3.2前置望远系统的结构参数确定 12

    3.3前置望远光学系统设计 13

    3.4望远物镜设计结果分析 14

    4光谱成像系统设计 16

    4.1光栅参数 16

    4.2光谱系统的物镜焦距 17

    4.3狭缝的选择 17

    4.4光谱成像系统设计 18

    5 光谱仪软件 21

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