
    摘 要:管道泄漏毋庸置疑是影响管道安全的重要因素之一。因此要保证各类管道正常并安全运行,管道泄漏监测工作则是至关重要的环节。泄漏监测不仅包括监测泄漏是否发生、泄漏发生的路径以及泄漏速度的大小,还包括对泄漏位置具体准确的定位。纵观国内外现状,分布式光纤温度传感器在泄漏监测方面虽刚刚起步,但已出色的展示了其在泄漏监测领域的优势。然而由于分布式光纤温度传感技术监测泄漏的研究大都停留在定性阶段,对于流速大小的监测方面还不成熟,监测所涉及的相关具体问题还有待解决,因此本文从监测的基本原理出发,设计了分布式光纤温度传感系统监测管道泄漏的模型试验,并通过对试验数据的探讨分析得出了一些有用的结论。53732


    Abstract:Pipeline leakage, no doubt is one of the most important factors affecting the safety of pipeline. So to ensure that all kinds of pipe normal and safe operation, pipeline leak monitoring is a vital step. The leakage monitoring includes not only whether the leakages have happened, the paths of the leakage and the leakage flow rate, and locating the leakage zones accurately, and Taking a panoramic view of the domestic and foreign research status, the usage of the distributed optical fiber sensors is just starting. However, its advantages in leakage monitoring are obvious. throughout the most of researches in leakage monitoring which are based on the distributed optical fiber temperature sensing, still stay in the stage of quantitative analysis. That is judging the leakage zones by monitoring the temperature anomaly. The monitoring of leakage speed is still at the experimental stage. There are many problems that required to be solved urgently in monitoring. Due to the research of the distributed optical fiber temperature theory to monitor leakages, On the basis of monitoring theory, we designed the model test of distributed optical fiber temperature sensing system for monitoring pipeline leakage, and by analyzing the experimental data of some useful conclusions are drawn.

    Keywords: distributed optical fiber temperature sensing system, pipeline leak,model test,leakage flow rate

    目  录

    1 引言 3

    2 试验模型的设计和试验内容 3

    2.1 课题研究主要内容和目的 3

    2.2 试验模型的设计 4

    2.3 碳纤维光纤耦合技术简介 7

    2.4 测温系统 8

    2.5 试验过程 8

    3不同介质对光纤温度的影响 9

    3.1 引言 9

    3.2 非饱和状态下介质对光纤温度升降的影响 9

    3.3 饱和状态下介质对光纤温度升降的影响 12

    3.4 小结 14

    4 不同含水率对光纤温度的影响 14

    4.1 引言 14

    4.2 不同含水率对光纤升温的影响 14

    4.3 不同含水率对光纤降温的影响 16

    4.4 小结 17

    5 不同泄漏流速对光纤温度的影响 18

    5.1 引言 18

    5.2 不同泄漏流速对光纤升温的影响 18

    5.3 不同泄漏流速对光纤降温的影响

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