    Visible light is by natural sunlight or artificial light source to generate, in essence, is a kind of electromagnetic wave, with a certain amount of energy. Light intensity said illumination unit is lux (Lux), indicated that in a unit area through the numerical flux. Is light a important physical quantities, for indicating the illumination intensity and object surface area by the degree of illumination.
    Illumination in people's lives can not be ignored, adequate light, so that we live in joy, work, high learning efficiency, reduce fatigue and accidents. In science and nature, the intensity of light also plays an important role and influence.
    This topic according to the visible spectral range, design and production of portable visible light illumination, based on the use in agriculture and forestry, flowers, fruit and vegetable planting environment, strong light according to the purpose of measurement. The line selection suitable spectral characteristics of photoelectric sensor (silicon light battery),with its high sensitivity, approximate linear light and conversion characteristics, photoelectric conversion. Lose out the signal through the operational amplifier, circuit for measuring small signal gain amplification, using four ways of negative feedback control, on a wide range of light irradiation is strong for measuring gear. And composed of ICL7107 of three and a half of A/D conversion display driver module, completed by common anode LED digital The digital display of the direct digital display. Finally, the whole circuit debugging, calibration, calibration, to achieve the circuit measurement function.
    Key words:silicon light battery;small signal amplification;A/D conversion;calibration;illuminance meter
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1照度计研究的意义及应用    1
    1.2照度计的现状和发展方向    2
    第二章  照度计的工作原理    3
    2.1照度计的工作原理    3
    2.2硅光电池光电信号接收端    3
    2.2.1硅光电池介绍    3
    2.2.2硅光电池的基本结构    3
    2.2.3硅光电池光电信号接收端工作原理    4
    2.3A/D转换器ICL7107    5
    2.3.1A/D转换器ICL7107的介绍    5
    2.3.2A/D转换器ICL7107的优点    5
    2.3.3A/D转换器ICL7107的工作原理    6
    第三章  照度计的设计    9
    3.1照度计的一般要求    9
    3.2照度计的组成    9
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