    Bluetooth technology is a standard wireless connection technology for electronic equipment. Bluetooth technology specification is the globally harmonized,it can realize the many short-range wireless data exchange between electronic devices,connections is easy to use, widely welcomed by users worldwide and support.
    First of all, this paper discusses the Bluetooth technology and its application and development significance. Bluetooth portable speaker for this very intelligent application,study on Bluetooth speaker circuit design and production. Main content is based on the traditional speaker with Bluetooth module, making it smaller, portable,  then formed today's fixture-Bluetooth speaker for digital products. To free it from the shortcomings of traditional speaker wire, which can guarantee quality, fast-moving, undoubtedly adapt to life and meet the era of development.
    Paper typical AU6210 was selected as the main control chip circuit design, the features and benefits of performance indicators for performance design and production brought great convenience, and hardware configuration, select fixed software drivers, resolved by debugging the problem. Through six specific modules to analyze the discussion throughout the product design process and the corresponding design steps.Finally, the detailed description of the test methods and tools used. And indicate possible problems and solutions. Eventually made a summary of the feasibility of the programme as a whole.
    key word:Bluetooth; Speakers; Master chip; AU6210;wireless connection
    目  录
    第一章  文献综述    1
    1.1蓝牙(Bluetooth®)技术    1
    1.1.1蓝牙技术的简介    1
    1.1.2蓝牙技术的应用    1
    1.2蓝牙音箱的运用及意义    1
    1.3蓝牙音箱的发展趋势    2
    第二章  系统主控芯片介绍    4
    2.1主控芯片外围连接模块设计    4
    2.2系统主控芯片说明    4
    2.2.1主控芯片的选择    4
    2.2.2主控芯片产品特点    4
    2.2.3 AU6210硬件资源介绍    5
    2.2.4 AU6210工作模式    6
    2.3芯片功能对比    6
    第三章  系统硬件电路模块    7
    3.1电源模块设计    7
    3.2按键模块设计    7
    3.3插卡模块设计    8
    3.4蓝牙模块设计    9
    3.4.1芯片特点    9
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