

    毕业论文关键字: LABVIEW;波形传输;RS232;信号发生器;虚拟示波器。

    A Transmit of Waveform between Two PC through the RS-232 Interface Based on LABVIEW

    Guo Hua (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai201418,China)

    Abstract: In this paper, the design of experiments, between two personal computers for data transfer mode is usually transmitted wave data in the form of a string, the data collection for the obvious question out of show in this article, designed in such a scheme. Preparing a personal computer as the sender sends a signal, another personal computer as a receiver to receive the signal analog data acquisition system. Two personal computers based on LABVIEW manner RS232 serial communication mode waveform data into the transmission. To develop solutions for the data transmission side, design modules to be multi-waveform selection signal generator and the waveform is converted to a string of data transmitted to the receiving end of the personal computer program consists in the data receiving terminal on the personal computer is designed to waveform string into the program, there is a virtual oscilloscope and FIR filter point by point. To facilitate the analysis of transmission errors, we compare the waveform of sending end with the receiving end. Experimental results show that the waveform between two personal computer transmission accurately, without distortion.

    Keywords: LABVIEW;waveform transmission;RS232;signal generator;virtual oscilloscope.

    目 录

    1绪论 8

    1.1课题研究的意义 8

    1.2课题的目的和要求 9

    1.3进度安排 9

    2原理及技术 10

    2.1 LABVIEW 10

    2.1.1 LABVIEW简介 10

    2.2.2 LABVIEW软件设计基本原理 11

    2.2.3 LABVIEW 程序组成 11

    2.2 RS232 14

    2.2.1 RS232串行通信 14

    2.2.2 RS232标准 17

    3程序设计原理 21

    3.1虚拟信号发生器的设计 21

    3.2   串口通信环节的设计 23

    3.3   虚拟示波器及FIR滤波器的设计 25

    3.4 FIR滤波器特性 26

    4软件模块的设计 27

    4.1 程序的流程图 27

    4.2 实验设计

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