



    关键词 3D视频摘要  镜头分割  关键帧提取  灰度直方图 


    Title  Research on Key Frames Extraction Technology of 3D Video              


    With the rapid development and progress of computer network technology, as well as broadband technology, digital video data comes out an exponential growth. It is particularly important to browse a large amount of video data quickly and understand the video content quickly. Besides, the 3D-HEVC video framework has been basically formed with video-plus-depth format. Therefore, it is necessary to study the video summarization technology in the coming 3D video format.

    In this paper, we first introduce the history and characteristics of key frame extraction technology. Existing video abstract technologies algorithms are summarized, and the key idea of these video abstract algorithms are analyzed. Then, this paper introduces the structure of 3D video, and extracts key frames based on the depth of the 3D video, including color video and the corresponding depth video, to help the normal color video extracts key frames. The key frame abstraction is pided into two stages: shot segmentation and key frame extraction. The physical characteristics of the image and background are utilized to characterize the contents of this frame image. We compares the similarity between two gray histogram of adjacent images, then use adaptive threshold algorithm to get the threshold for shot segmentation and local key frame extraction threshold. The two thresholds are utilized to carry out shot segmentation and key frames extraction to compose a video summarization.

    In addition, We try to extract the key frames of 3D video (the color video plus depth video). The results show that the depth 3D video’s key frame abstraction is helpful to color video’s summarization. Finally, the future work of video abstraction technology is introduced .

    Key words  3D video abstract  shot segmentation  key frame extraction  gray histogram

    目   次

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 视频摘要的研究现状 1

    1.3 视频摘要一般的研究内容 2

    1.4 本文的研究内容以及论文组织 3

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