    关键词  光谱定标,高光谱成像,像面干涉,剪切分束器
    Title  Research On Spectral Calibration Method Of Hyperspectral Imager                     
    Hyperspectral imager obtain two-dimensional image information and one-dimensional spectral information together,3D data cube of target built, through the recovery of spectrum to get spectral information of target. Imaging spectrometer has a very wide range of applications in geological exploration, ecology, environmental science and the military.
    Remote Sensing Information quantitative requires for accurate spectral calibration of imaging spectrometer, through radiometric calibration, using spectral calibration results, to obtain the central wavelength spectral response function of each channel, target parameters inversed by data which is observed by imaging spectrometer.
    The paper introduces principles of hyperspectral imaging technology  and different calibration methods. Based on the interference imaging spectrum technology, image plane interferometric hyperspectral imager based on re-imaging has been studied , and emphatically introduces the optical path of three discrete lateral shearing beam splitter. The optical path of spectral calibration has been built based on high spectrometer and conduct a experiment, two spectral line of lasers restored, spectral calibration completed.
    Keywords  spectral calibration  Hyperspectral imaging  image plane    interferometric  Shear beam splitter
     目  次
    1 绪论    1
    2 成像光谱仪原理    3
    2.1滤光片型光谱成像仪原理    3
    2.2色散型成像光谱仪原理    4
    2.3干涉型成像光谱仪原理    6
    3 像面干涉技术介绍    12
    3.1像面干涉光谱成像原理    12
    3.2二次成像像面干涉成像原理和方法    13
    3.3光谱分辨率    15
    3.4推扫系统    16
    4 定标技术介绍    17
    4.1 光谱定标方法    17
    4.2 辐射定标    18
    5 实验结果与分析分析    20
    5.1 实验仪器与装置    20
    5.2  实验原理和实验步骤    23
    6总结与展望    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
    1 绪论
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