
    摘要随着技术的发展,对传输速度的要求越来越高,传统的并行传输已经不能满足速率要求,基于SATA接口的高速串行通信凭借着自身抗干扰能力强,支持带宽大逐步地发展。由于Xilinx公司的Virtex-5芯片中集成了RocketIO收发器,为SATA协议的实现提供了便利,所以对其展开相关研究。主要熟悉了其开发环境ISE,并学习了硬件描述语言Verilog HDL,了解了SATA协议的内容,就其中涉及到的一些相关信息传输的知识进行理解和掌握,最后通过ML507开发板平台深入分析SATA协议的具体实现,为实现最终的高速数据传输做铺垫,为以后的进一步研究提供借鉴。67189

    毕业论文关键词  SATA  高速串行通信  Xilinx  Verilog HDL  ISE


    Title    The research of high speed data transmission based on Xilinx507 development board  


    With the development of technology, the requirement of transmission speed become higher, and the traditional parallel transmission has caught not meet the requirement of speed, the high-speed serial transmission based on SATA interface is developed with its bandwidth and the ability of Anti-interference. Since Xilinx company’s Virtex-5 including RocketIO provides the convenience of the implementation of the protocol of SATA, research is carried on based on it. Mainly to know the use of the development environment of ISE,  The Verilog HDL and SATA protocol, to understand the knowledge of the information transmission involved, finally to analysis the implementation of SATA protocol based on the development board, to pave the way for the implementation of high-speed transmission, to provide the reference for further research. 

    Keywords  Serial Advanced Technology Attachment(SATA)  High-speed serial transmission   Xilinx   Verilog HDL  ISE

    目   录  


    1  引言 1

    2  开发平台 1

    2.1 FPGA简介 1

    2.2 Virtex-5 FXT FPGA简介 1

    2.3 ML507评估平台 2

    2.4 RocketIO GTX 收发器 3

    3  Xilinx ISE Design Suite 开发环境 4

    3.1  版本选择: 4

    3.2  平台介绍: 4

    3.3  主要功能 5

    3.4  注意事项 6

    4  Verilog HDL语言 6

    4.1  硬件描述语言: 6

    4.2  语言选择: 6

    4.3  Verilog HDL语言介绍: 6

    5  SATA协议 7

    5.1 SATA的优势 7

    5.2 SATA 2的相关特性 7

    5.3  SATA2协议详细介绍 7

    6  SATA协议在ML507开发板具体实现的分析 11

    6.1 状态机设计 11

    6.2 物理 14

    6.3 链路层 18

    6.4 传输层

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