    Title  Research of viewpoint synthesis in 3D video system                    
    With the advent of the information age, the three-dimensional imaging products have occupied an important place in the emerging markets , the 3D video technology also will become the current hot research direction. Compared to the already widely used two-dimensional high-definition video , three-dimensional video can provide users with an immersive stereoscopic experience is the fundamental advantage. Multiview Video technology can provide in-depth information about the image in the two-dimensional image rendering , while providing users with three-dimensional visual experience.
    In the multi-view video , the viewpoint of the effect determines how much the level of the image display , but a large amount of data but also in multi-view video compression, storage and transmission has been of technical problems, and , in reality due to the cost of restrictions can not get enough of the viewpoint , which leads to the heart of this article discussed - viewpoint synthesis techniques to solve this technical problem. In 3D video system terminals, will use an after extracting the pilot 's view video plus depth map and camera parameters required for the synthesis of a nearby viewpoint video , resulting in multi-view video in order to achieve the 3D effect while increasing the viewing quality.
    This paper introduces the multi-view video system as a whole , including its concept , application and research status and so on. The system then leads to the most important technology, which is based on the depth information viewpoint synthesis technology , focusing on the introduction of this technology concepts , principles and main points and so on. Finally, the introduction of the use of MPEG software VSRS analog synthesis experiments , and show the results of experiments in the lab report.
    Keywords: multi-view video, viewpoint synthesis, VSRS
    1  引言    1
    2  多视点视频系统和立体视觉技术概述    2
    2.1  多视点视频的相关概念    2
    2.2  多视点视频技术的研究方向    2
    2.3  多视点视频系统组成框图    3
    2.4  多视点视频的应用    4
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