    关键词  自动跟踪  图像采集  图像提取  超声电机
    Title    Automatic tracking technology research
    Abstract This thesis mainly design the system of automatic tracking to moving object.Not only to test the moving targets, but also to gain the information of its location, shape, size,  movement direction, speed and some other characteristics which beneficial to the target identification system.Through these features can control the moving trend of the target effectively to recognize the target.And the system will adjust the camera to track shoot the target continuously and effectively.
    The system adopts the DH-CG300 image acquisition card, ENOCH-1032 camera, the movement control CARDS, motion control drive and TRUM-60 series traveling wave type rotary ultrasonic motor. The system has the following characteristics: First of all, completely machine visual control make two sets of systems independent relatively. The only information channel is visual image collected by the camera. It allows operators to slide block to control target movement in the subsystem of the target motion. Second, the target tracking subsystem will begin pattern matching with the image of real-time tracking. Objecting location by the pattern matching can effectively ensure the image processing link, reduce the interference by the changing light environment, overcome the impact of tracking system by image noise.Again, calculating the deviation between target posion and center of the camera through the camera, and put the differences from the pixel unit conversion to torque unit, and update tracking speed constantly, the bigger the difference,  the faster the tracking speed, so as to ensure the effectiveness of the track.
    Keywords:  automatic tracking   image acquisition   image extraction   ultrasonic motor
    1 绪论
    1.1 引言
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