



    Abstract: by means of statistical analysis, the use of Excel spreadsheet data function, the population aged 20-24 in Huaian test data analysis and other data, at the same time, the national physical fitness monitoring, the project will be of vital capacity and height, weight, chest circumference, hip circumference, whether to participate in physical exercise, physical exercise frequency, exercise and other data comparative analysis. From the national physical fitness test data, the population aged 20-24 in Huaian vital capacity index showed a downward trend, the overall level of concern.

    The results showed that: 1 the body weight index were significantly associated with vital capacity index. And the weight of the vital capacity index has a serious impact. 2 height, bust on vital capacity are significantly correlated, and the correlation coefficient is lower than the waist hip. 3 whether to participate in physical exercise and vital capacity were significantly correlated, so whether or not to participate in physical exercise has a great influence on the vital capacity, did not participate in the physical exercise group was significantly lower than the capacity crowd to participate in physical training. Different physical exercise frequency, different sports, impact on people's vital capacity is different.

    Keywords: physical monitoring; living habits; Huaian City

    目   录

    1  前言 5

    2 研究对象与方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    3 研究结果与分析 6

    3.1肺活量低于正常值的危害 6

    3.2 淮安市20-24岁人群肺活量现状及江苏省、全国同年龄段肺活量比较比较 6

    3.3 肺活量及其影响因素 7

    4讨论 9

    5 结论 10

    6 建议 11

    参考文献 13

    1  前言

    肺活量(vital capacity,VC)是指一次尽力吸气后,再尽力呼出的气体总量。我国男性平均肺活量为3755ml,女性为2375ml。淮安市20-24岁人群的肺活量低于国家的平均值,令人堪忧。肺活量检测数值低(与正常数值相比),说明人体内部的氧供应就不充裕,机体摄氧能力和排出废气的能力差,机体的一些工作就不能正常。一旦机体需要大量消耗氧的情况(如长时间学习、工作、剧烈运动时)就会出现氧供应的严重不足,从而导致诸如头痛、记忆力下降头晕、注意力不集中、精神萎靡、胸闷、头晕、失眠等不良反映,这不仅仅会影响我们的学习和工作,而且会给身体健康造成许多无法挽回的损失。文献综述

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