


    Abstract:As the boost all-round quality education and set up the health first thought, to better pr-omote the physical development of college students and improve the level of college students' h-ealth, physical exercise in colleges and universities have become an indispensable part of colleg-e life. College students as a distinguished group of young people, hope that the future of our mot-herland, and its level of quality will directly affect the future development of our nation, the diet-ary nutrition is the foundation of high-quality talent. Now college students lack of scientific syst-em of nutrition knowledge, however, poor nutrition, nutrition surplus differentiation is more not-iceable, eating optional sex is bigger. This topic in  university college students as the research object, USES the literature material method, mathematical statistics, the methods of questionnaire investigation on the eating habits of college students in  university, sports investment situation, the problems such as physical quality standard of investigation and  research. Take effective measures to improve their dietary nutrition consciousness among colleg--e students, and urge college students form a good eating habits, so as to improve the effect of 

    physical exercise. 

    Keywords:  university,college students,dietary nutrition, exercise, 

    目   录  

    1 前 言 3

    2  研究对象与方法 3

    2.1  研究对象 3

    2.2  研究方法 3

    2.2.1  文献资料法 3

    2.2.2  问卷调查法 3

    2.2.3  数理统计法 4

    3  结果与分析 4

    3.1  学院在校大学生的膳食营养状况 4

    3.1.1  学院在校大学生的膳食结构调查结果 4

    3.1.2  学院在校大学生的三餐热量分配 4

    3.2  学院在校大学生对膳食营养与运动知识了解情况 5

    3.3  膳食营养对体育锻炼的影响 6

    3.3.1  运动后摄入的食物对体育锻炼的影响 6

    3.3.2  每周吃早餐的次数对体育锻炼的影响 6

    3.3.3  补水对体育锻炼的影响 7

    4  结论与建议 8

    4.1  结论 8

    4.1.1  学院在校大学生膳食结构不合理

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