

    毕业论文关键词:句容市区 初中生 体育教学  现状分析  结论与对策

    Abstract: in the national fitness activities like a raging fire time, school sports are developing constantly with reform. The teaching quality and effect of physical quality, teaching plan implementation degree, is directly related to our culture "virtue, wisdom, body, beauty," "all-round development talents plan can be implemented smoothly. In this paper, the junior middle school in Jurong city a total of 600 students, 100 teachers in sampling survey, and forum to exchange and concerned, to the differences in physical education teaching and the analysis and discussion. Survey results show that: 1 Jurong city junior high school grade students weekly sports class is not enough. The 2 School of physical education teaching management is not perfect, the sports teaching goal can not be combined with students' physical development. The 3 school facilities generally lack, sports entertainment boring. 4 some sports teachers with excessive demands physical quality training, lack of special students understand, did not give enough time and space to students free practice. 5 Jurong city middle school only a few class actively cooperate with the school sports work, most of the work is not enough awareness of sports. The above results indicate that the urban area of Jurong City, physical education teaching exists a wide range of problems, these problems are not conducive to the implementation of physical education teaching.

    Keywords: analysis and Countermeasures of physical education teaching of junior school students in Jurong City

    目录前言 5

    1研究对象 5

    1.1研究对象 5

    1.2研究方法 5

    1.2.1文献资料法 5

    1.2.2问卷调查法 5

    1.2.3访谈法 6

    1.2.4实地调查法 6

    1.3研究内容 6

    2对句容市市区初中体育课教学现状结果分析 6

    2.1学校领导对体育课重视程度 6

    2.2体育课开课和占用或挪用情况 7

    2.3教学内容与方法 7

    2.4体育学习评价的内容和形式 8

    2.5初中生与体育老师的教学关系 9


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