


    Abstract:With the ageing problem becoming more and more serious ,the body improvement of the elderly has become a daunting task in modern society.In this paper, the author uses the questionnaire survey, literature data method, mathematical statistics and logic analysis and other methods to find information about the gender, educational background, age, exercies frequency, time, clothing of the elderly taijiquan exercisers in huaian city .There are totally six respects we are intersted to find out the recent situation in the downtown.Pevious has find out that the situation is not very optimistic,weak inscience,lack playground ,weak in organization. So, this study aims to investigate the basic situation of senior taijiquan player in huaian city, using the scientific and reasonable way to inform them of basic sports knowledge of  taijiquan and to put forward feasible suggestions for them in order to attract more participants and to improve the enthusiasm and the effect of every exercisers, also try to provide a reference basis for the elderly taijiquan movement in huaian city .

    Key word:Huaian city,middle aged and elderly people,taijiquan,to carry out the status quo,research

    目   录  

    1 前 言 3

    2  研究对象与方法 3

    2.1  研究对象 3

    2.2  研究方法 3

    2.2.1  文献资料法 3

    2.2.2  问卷调查法 4

    2.2.3  数理统计法 4

    2.2.4  逻辑分析法 4

    3  结果与分析 4

    3.1  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的性别、学历、拳龄 4

    3.1.1  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的性别 4

    3.1.2  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的学历 5

    3.1.3  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的拳龄 6

    3.2  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的频率、时间 6

    3.2.1  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的周锻炼频率 6

    3.2.2  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的日锻炼时间 7

    3.3  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的服装 8

    3.4  淮安市区中老年太极拳锻炼者的习练拳种

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