

    This paper is dedicated to give priority to with normal university students' physique test research of comprehensive evaluation. Articles in general is pided into four parts, the first part of preface mainly illustrate the importance of physical testing comprehensive evaluation, and based on the research direction of Hangzhou normal university as an example; The second part introduces two kinds of current and the method of comprehensive evaluation, as well as the defects of the two methods; The third part of a new comprehensive evaluation method is presented in this paper, principal component analysis, principal component analysis (pca) was introduced in detail the principle and steps; The fourth part is based on data of normal university as an example of case analysis, through calculation and analysis, the scientific nature and rationality of principal component analysis method. The last part is the outlook for the study. The research universities are helpful to physical test make more reasonable and scientific evaluation of students has important practical significance.

    毕业论文关键词:大学生体质测试 ;综合评价 ;主成分分析模型;学生综合排名

    Keyword:   College students' physical fitness test ;Comprehensive evaluation of ;Principal component analysis model;Students' comprehensive ranking

    目 录

    1. 引言 4

    2. 体质综合测评的一般评价模型 4

    2.1. 原始分累加求和模型 4

    2.2. 简单算术平均模型 5

    3. 体质综合测评的主成分分析模型 5

    3.1. 主成分分析的基本思想 5

    3.2. 主成分分析模型的基本理论 6

    3.3. 主成分分析模型的步骤 7

    4. 三种模型分析比较 8

    4.1. 数据的选取 8

    4.2. 原始分累加求和模型、简单算术平均模型实例排名 8

    4.3. 主成分分析模型的分析 8

    4.3.1. 对原数据的处理 8

    4.3.2. 运用SPSS对数据处理分析 9

    4.3.3. 主成分分析模型结果的分析 12


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