

    通过本次研究,得出如下结论:1.杭州菲力伟多立方店健身会员中,男女比例相对来说比较均衡女性只比男性多出1.64%。2. 杭州菲力伟多立方店健身会员大多数年龄在18-50岁,其中26-35岁占54.92%,以中青年为主;健身会员多半收入比较高,有一定的经济基础,而且整体知识程度也较高。3.大部分会员去健身房锻炼比较有规律性,一般都在晚上去健身房。69.67%的会员每次在健身房待1-2个小时,相对来说比较合理。而且大多数会员每周会去锻炼3次左右,具有持续性。4. 杭州菲力伟多立方店健身会员去健身的目的多样,以放松身体,缓解疲劳;改善身材;舒缓情绪为主,比较注重健身房的环境,硬件设施和服务。5. 杭州菲力伟多立方店健身会员对健身房的整体服务,教练的素质和技能,器材使用,会籍顾问的服务相对来说比较满意,他们希望健身教练能够为他们提供专业的讲解只是,专门的饮食健身计划。

    毕业论文关键词:健身会员; 健身现状; 研究

    Keyword: the participants of fitness clubs;the fitness status quo; the research

    Abstract This article take the Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member as the main object of study, the utilization questionnaire survey procedure, the literature material law, the data analytic method, analyzes from member's basic situation as well as the fitness condition affects the factor which the Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member fitness, inquired into member's fitness time investment, the fitness goal, the fitness frequency, expends the situation as well as to the gymnasium choice condition and so on, is for the purpose of obtaining the Hangzhou  Philippines strength great multi-cube shop member fitness the basic condition, discovered the gymnasium existence the insufficiency, for promotes the gymnasium development to provide the model and the reference.

     Through this research, draws the following conclusion: In 1. Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member, the male and female proportion quite balanced female only are on the other hand more than the male 1.64%.2. The Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member majority ages in 18-50 year old, 26-35 year old account for 54.92%, by Chinese youth primarily; The fitness member receives mostly quite high, has certain economic basis, moreover the overall knowledge degree is also high.3. major part members go to gymnasium exercise quite orderly, generally all goes to the gymnasium in the evening.69.67% members each time treat in the gymnasium for 1-2 hour, quite is on the other hand reasonable.Moreover majority member each Zhou Hui exercises about 3 times, has the endurance.4. The Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member fitness the goal is perse, relaxes the body, the alleviation is weary; Improvement stature; The affable mood primarily, compared with pays great attention to the gymnasium the environment, the hardware facility and the service.5. The Hangzhou Philippines strength great multi-cube shop fitness member to the gymnasium whole service, the training quality and the skill, the equipment use, the membership consultant's service quite is on the other hand satisfied, they hoped fitness coach to be able to provide the specialized explanation for them only is, special diet fitness plan.

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