


    Investigation and analysis of College Students' participation in badminton sport in Normal University

    Abstract:This paper utilizes the literature material method, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics method of Teachers College Badminton sports participation in the status quo survey and analysis, through the survey found, Normal University students participate in badminton sports main factors teachers college students to participate in the badminton sport interest, time to participate in the badminton sport, factors involved in the badminton sport, participate in badminton sports personal factors and improve the badminton sports strategy and other factors. According to the reason to be under recommendations: strengthen superior leadership of Teachers College Badminton Sports attention; pay attention to Teachers College Badminton project of the construction of sports facilities; some badminton sports competition to attract the attention of a part of the students; offering badminton sports curriculum and help students to improve the learning interest in badminton sport; students can be on campus associations are established, to help some students to play badminton, but also the establishment of a good interpersonal relationship;

    Keywords: Badminton;College students';Movement

      目  录

    摘  要 1

    引  言 2

    1、研究对象和方法 2

    1.1研究对象 2

    1.2研究方法 2

    2、研究结果与分析 3

    2.1师范学院大学生参与羽毛球运动的基本情况 3

    2.2师范学院大学生参与羽毛球运动的兴趣因素 3

    2.3大学生参与羽毛球运动的时间 3

    2.4制约大学生参与羽毛球运动的因素 4

    2.5师范学院大学生参与羽毛球运动个人因素 4

    2.6 提高羽毛球运动的策略 5

    3、结论与建议 5

    3.1结论 5

    3.2建议 6

    参考文献 7

    附录 8

    致谢 10 

    师范学院大学生羽毛球运动参与现状调查  引言


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