    The status quo of students to the theory class teaching satisfaction survey --- in normal college as an example
    Abstract: Professional sports theory class is the key of the sports course teaching in colleges and universities, is an important approach to attain the goal of physical education teaching, students can cultivate the consciousness of lifelong physical exercise, improve sports exercisers their cultural literacy. This paper USES literature method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics and other methods of normal college sports college sports professional theory course teaching and student satisfaction for sports theory class teaching has carried on the investigation and study. The results show that the current sports college sports theory class teaching is less structure is not reasonable, professional theory class, the teaching form a single, backward teaching skills, students of sports theory class is not active. By student satisfaction evaluation about the present situation of sports theory class teaching, find the problems in classroom teaching, and on this basis puts forward some feasible Suggestions on improving classroom teaching, to the further development of normal school of sports theory class teaching to provide reference and reference.
    Key words: Professional sports; Classroom teaching; Student satisfaction
     目    录
    摘要    1
    引言      3
    1.研究对象与方法    3
    1.1研究对象    3
    1.2研究方法    3
    2.结果与分析    4
    2.1概念的界定    4
    2.2师范学院体育专业理论课满意度的现状    4
    2.3师范学院体育专业理论满意度的影响因素分析    6
    3.结论与建议    9
    3.1结论    9
    3.2建议    9
    参考文献    11
    附录    12
    致谢    14
    体育专业学生对理论课教学满意度的现状调查——以师范学院为例 引言
    当前,地方普通高校在对体育专业理论课的教学上存在着“理论上重视,实际上忽视” 的不合理现象。基于目前体育专业改革发展的需求,我们必须遵循实事求是的指导思想,针对体育专业学生学习过程中的问题和困境,客观的分析评价,采取有力措施,从而提升高校体育专业毕业生软实力和竞争力,培育品质优秀、专业能力强、全面发展、有综合能力的体育人才。笔者从师范学院体育学院的学生身份调查体育专业理论教学过程中发现的问题,并进行深入地分析研究,以期帮助教师更好完成教学计划和任务,让学生更积极主动的进行课程学习,提高专业技能。
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