    With the improvement of civil people's material life level, the concept of health get hitherto unknown attention. The national fitness, community sports and other new things have gradually become an important part of people's life. The main body of this article based on the community sports of Xinyuan Community, through field investigation and empirical analysis, introduced the basic situation of community sports development, and the existing problems and countermeasures. The study finds that the participation population of Xinyuan community sports has obvious characteristics of the age and occupation, which mainly are 50-60 years old and above in old age and the retirees provided the highest percentage in occupation structure. Spontaneous is the main form of the community residents participating in community sports. Community residents participating in the community sports activities, mainly take aim at enhancing physical fitness, interpersonal communication, entertainment, body-building, disease treatment. At present, the main problems existed in the community sports activities are that the organization and management till lack effective system; participating consciousness; sports venues, facilities are not perfect; the lack of funds to support the community sports, so social sports instructors must play important roles in society.
    Key words: national fitness; community sports venues; sports facilities; Xinyuan Community; the existing problems and countermeasures
    目   录

    第一章  前言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究对象    2
    1.3  研究目的和意义    2
    1.4研究方法    3
    1.4.1文献资料法    3
    1.4.2访谈法    3
    1.4.3综合分析法    3
    第二章  文献综述    4
    2.1  社区体育相关研究概述    4
    2.2  我国全民健身活动开展现状研究    4
    2.3  我国全民健身视角下社区体育现状研究    5
    第三章  相关概念的界定    7
    3.1  全民健身概念的相关界定    7
    3.1.1  全民健身    7
    3.1.2  全民健身体系    7
    3.2  社区体育活动相关概念的界定    8
    3.2.1  社区体育活动    8
    3.2.2  社区体育管理    9
    3.2.3  社区体育与健身路径的概念    9
    第四章  全民健身视角下苏州市新园社区体育状况分析    11
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