    摘要本文以排队系统在银行中的应用为背景,分析得出了银行出现排队现象的原因以及银行缓解排队问题的措施。随后介绍了排队系统的基本概念、主要数量指标、Little公式、几种常用的概率分布、基本的排队模型及其处于平稳状态的概率与数量指标。通过实地记录,得到了顾客到达时间和服务所需时间的数据,由此计算出顾客到达率 和员工平均工作率 ,用假设检验和 检验法检验固定时间段内到达系统的人数与顾客办理业务所需时间分别服从Poisson分布和指数分布。最后,根据参数 和 ,建立排队模型,求解得出最佳服务台数,以此提高顾客的满意度,银行才能拥有竞争优势。33736
    关键词  银行  排队系统  排队模型  Poisson分布  指数分布
    Title  Analysis the queuing systems of banking hall and   confirmation the optimal number of the information desk
    This paper regards the queuing systems applying to bank service as the background. After preliminary analysis, we get the cause banking hall queuing phenomenon and some measures to alleviate the problem of queue. Then we introduce the basic concepts of queuing systems, the main parameters of the data, Little’s law, some useful probability distributions, basic queuing model, the probability and main parameters of the model when it in stable state. Through field investigation, we get the data of the time customer arrives and the service time of the arrived customer. According to this data, we can obtain average customer arrival rate is denoted by and average customer service rate is denoted by . We use the testing hypothesis and the method of chi-square test to test the number of arrived customer in unit time has a Poisson distribution with parameter  and the service times have an exponential distribution with parameter . Finally, according to parameter
     and , we establish a queuing model to attain the optimal number of the information desk. Banks should improve the evaluation of customers satisfactory degree in order to obtain the competence advantages.
    Keywords  bank  queuing systems  queuing model  Poisson distribution  exponential distribution
    目   次
      1  绪论1
      1.1  课题研究背景 1
      1.2  研究意义1
      1.3  银行解决自身排队问题的措施 2
      2  排队系统基础知识3
      2.1  排队论的产生与发展3
      2.2  排队系统概述 3
      2.3  几种重要的概率分布5
      2.4  Little公式7
      3  几种排队模型的基础理论 8
      3.1  单服务台排队模型:M/M/18
      3.2  多服务台排队模型:M/M/c10
      4  银行排队问题参数的获取与分布检验14
      4.1  数据来源14
      4.2  检验的相关理论 14
      4.3  对每10分钟到达人数是否服从Poisson分布的检验15
      4.4  顾客办理业务所需服务时间是否服从指数分布的检验19
      4.5  分析 21
      5  实际采样数据检验模型及最佳服务台数目的确定22
    结论  25
    致谢  26
      附录A  实际记录顾客到达银行的取号时间28
      附录B  实际记录顾客办理业务的到柜时间和离柜时间31
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景
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