    Direct analysis triglyceride in edible oil by mass spectrometric
    Abstract: The thesis studied the direct analytical method of triglyceride in edible oil by   atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization- high resolution mass spectrometry. After the edible oil sample was dissolved in isopropyl alcohol, the sample solution was added in methanol and detected directly by mass spectrometry. Using the APCI ionization source which is better for non- polar substances,sample injection flow rate was selected as 1200μL / h, drying gas temperature was selected as 180 ºC, APCI corona needle current was selected as 5000nA,for edible oil APCI-FTMS determination. For the particular mass spectral peaks of triglyceride, its MS/MS was measured to find single fatty acids connected triglyceride 1- and 3- bit site. Then make these fatty acids get a combination qualitative with the main peak to get 2- position fatty acid type. The spectral peak was then conjectured its represented triglyceride structure. The main types of triglycerides in corn oil and lard were actually determined by the method, and shows that the differences are existed in the types of triglycerides. Meanwhile, this method is convenient and also saves a lot of time for pre-processing or separation
    Key Words:Triglycerides;Mass spectrometry;APCI;Direct injection    
    1.前言    1
    1.1 选题意义    1
    1.2 文献综述    2
    1.2.1傅立叶变换质谱    2
    1.2.2.轨道阱质谱    2
    1.2.3.磁质谱    3
    1.2.4.飞行时间质谱    4电喷雾化学电离与飞行时间质谱联用    4基质辅助激光解析电离与飞行时间质谱联用    4
    1.2.5小结    6
    2.仪器与试剂    7
    2.1 仪器:    7
    2.1.1 SolariX 70 FT-MS测样流程    7
    2.2试剂:    7
    2.3 样品来源    7
    3.实验内容    8
    3.1样品处理    8
    3.2实验方法    8
    4.结果与讨论    8
    4.1样品溶液配比    8
    4.2质谱仪器条件选择    10
    4.2.1 ESI电离    10
    4.2.2 APCI源    10
    4.2.3小结    10
    4.3  APCI源条件选择    11
    4.3.1 流速    11
    4.3.2 干燥气温度    12
    4.3.3电晕针电流    13
    4.4质谱测定甘油三酯的结果    13
    4.4.1几种食用油中甘油三酯的检测    14
    4.4.2玉米油中甘油三酯的二级质谱检测    15
    4.4.3猪油中甘油三酯的二级质谱检测    17
    4.4.4 用一级质谱判断玉米油掺杂猪油的样品    19
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