
    摘要:本文采用超声波提取法在酸化乙醇条件下浸提紫薯中的花青素,并研究了花青素清除DPPH自由基的作用。主要研究了提取剂的酸醇比、料液比、温度、时间4个因素对紫薯中花青素提取率的影响,实验结果表明:紫薯中花青素的最佳提取条件为提取剂中盐酸和乙醇之比为35:65,料液比为1:5(g/ml),提取温度 40℃,提取时间15分钟,在此最佳条件下,花青素的提取率为3.94mg/g,比传统的浸提法提高70%。同时,研究表明,提取的花青素对DPPH具有较好的清除效果,并在一定浓度范围内,花青素的浓度与DPPH自由基的清除率呈正相关。54350


    Abstract: Solanum tuberdsm anthocyanins was mainly used ultrasonic extraction conditions under acidified ethanol extract and studied the purge of  DPPH radical scavenging in this article .The ratio on the extraction agent, solid-liquid ratio, temperature, time, four factors were studied. The experimental results showed that: the optimum conditions for the solanum tuberdsm anthocyanins than the extraction agent in hydrochloric acid and ethanol 35:65, solid-liquid ratio of 1:5 (g / mL), extraction temperature 40℃, extraction time 15 min, under optimum conditions, the extraction of anthocyanins was 3.94mg / g, a 70% increase over the conventional extraction method. Meanwhile, research showed that anthocyanins extracted the DPPH scavenging effect with better and within a certain range of concentrations, the concentration of anthocyanins and DPPH radical scavenging rates were positively correlated.

    Key words: Solanum tuberdsm, Anthocyanins, Ultrasonic extraction, DPPH radical

    目  录

    1 前言 4

    2 实验材料 4

    2.1 材料和试剂 4

    2.2 实验仪器 4

    3 实验方法 4

    3.1溶剂提取法 5

    3.2 超声微波提取取法[7] 5

    3.2.1 超声波提取温度优化选择 5

    3.2.2 超声波提取时间的优化选择 5

    3.2.3 超声波提取剂的优化选择 5

    3.2.4 超声波料液比的优化选择 5

    4 紫薯花青素提取正交实验设计 5

    4.1花青素含量的测定 6

    5 紫薯花青素清除DPPH自由基[8]的研究 6

    5.1 DPPH标准曲线的制作 6

    5.2 DPPH自由基的清除实验 6

    5.2.1 DPPH自由基清除能力的表示 7

    6 超声波提取的单因素实验结果 7

    6.1 超声波提取温度的优化选择的结果分析 7

    6.2 超声波提取时间的优化选择的结果分析 8

    6.3 超声波提取剂比的优化选择的结果分析 8

    6.4 超声波提取料液比的优化选择的结果分析 9

    6.5 紫薯花青素正交实验结果分析 9

    7 超声波提取紫薯花青素与溶剂提取法的比较 10

    7.1 实验结果与分析 10

    8 紫薯花青素对DPPH清除率与花青素稀释浓度的结果分析

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