

    试验通过对新鲜紫甘薯进行切条、烘干、粉碎后得到紫甘薯粉末。紫甘薯粉末粗提取花青素步骤为:使用浓度50 %的甲醇对其进行提取、放入60 ℃水浴中超声20 min、之后取出配平放入12000 r/min离心机中离心10 min后取出上清液,将上述步骤重复提取三次。

    使用AB-8大孔树脂以流速1 mL/min对紫甘薯花青素粗提取液进行纯化,再用70 %乙醇水溶液对其洗脱处理,将洗脱液通过旋转蒸发至黏稠后冷冻干燥得到花青素样品。



    The study on the extraction and purification and antioxidant activies of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato

    Abstract:Inartificial anthocyanin is a kind of water-solubility coloring matter which is widely indwelled in plant, and it belongs to flavones compound. As a result of its vivid color and luster, anti-oxidation and other function of health care, in order to making people's works and lives better, it has been put into industrialization produce.This paper intends to high purity of Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanin extraction, and its antioxidant activity were studied, laying the foundation for the industrialized production, in order to become natural red pigment market leading products; on the antioxidant activity of purple sweet potato anthocyanins research to more deeply understand its application value and provide experimental basis for the use of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato on further development of the health food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry.

    The purple sweet potato powder was obtained by cutting, drying and grinding the purple sweet potato.The conditions of extracting anthocyanin from purple sweet potato powder were as follows: methanol concentration 50 %, extraction temperature 60 degrees C, ultrasonic 20min, centrifugal 10min, extracting three times.

    The AB-8 macroporous resin was used to purify the crude extract of Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanin according to the flow rate of 1mL/min.With 70% ethanol elution, the eluate was dried to obtain pure anthocyanins by rotary evaporation to sticky after freezing.

    The experimentally obtained in purple sweet potato anthocyanins pure product in the removal of the contrast experiment of DPPH· and ABTS+ radicals exhibit strong free radical scavenging capacity and with the increase of the concentration of, Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanin antioxidant activity enhanced, when the concentration reached 2 mg/mL of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato pure product of free radical scavenging ability and ascorbic acid (VC) close to.

    Key word: purple sweet potato anthocyanin; extraction; antioxidant activities


    1.前言 5

    1.1食品色素 5

    1.2花青素概述 5


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